Cheyne-Stokes respiration

Breathing pattern disturbance characterized by a period of deep, rapid respirations followed by a period of shallow respirations or no respirations at all. The cycle rhythmically repeats every 45 seconds to 3 minutes.

Irregular breathing, usually found in people who are unconscious, with short breaths gradually increasing to deep breaths, then reducing again, until breathing appears to stop.

Gradual, transitory respiratory pattern characterized by rapid breathing alternating with periods of apnea, often associated with coma or impending death.

A breathing pattern marked by a period of apnea lasting 10 to 60 sec, followed by gradually increasing depth and frequency of respirations (hyperventilation). It occurs in dysfunction or depression of the cerebral hemispheres (e.g., in coma), in basal ganglia disease, and occasionally in congestive heart failure. It often indicates a grave prognosis in adults but may be a normal finding in children.

Cyclic breathing characterized by a pattern where each breath begins with small inhalations, gradually increasing in size until reaching a climax, followed by a gradual reduction in breath size until breathing nearly stops. This cycle repeats and is often observed in severe conditions affecting the nervous system, heart, lungs, or in cases of uremia. It is frequently regarded as an indicator of impending death.




