
Any member of the most important class of pigments involved in photosynthesis.

The green coloring matter in plants that changes raw materials into food.

The green pigment in plant cells that makes photosynthesis possible.

Porphyrin derivatives containing magnesium that act to convert light energy in photosynthetic organisms.

The green coloring matter of plants.

A green, photosynthetic substance found in plants.

The green pigment in plant cells that facilitates photosynthesis.

A green pigment found in plant cells, which harnesses the sun’s energy by complex chemical reactions.

A heterocyclic iron/copper-containing green pigment in plants.

Pigment of green plants that absorbs light and converts it into energy for the synthesis of carbohydrates.

One of a group of green pigments, found in all green plants and some bacteria, that absorb light to provide energy for the synthesis of carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water (photosynthesis). The two major chlorophylls, a and b, consist of a porphyrin/magnesium complex.

The green colouring matter of plants. Its main use is as a colouring agent, principally for soaps, oils and fats. It is also being found of value as a deodorant dressing to remove, or diminish, the unpleasant odour of heavily infected sores and wounds.

A green plant pigment responsible for capturing the light energy needed for photosynthesis. Used in natural medicine for detoxification, red blood cell support, and antioxidant properties.

The green pigment utilized by plants during photosynthesis to produce carbohydrates.




