
A mental struggle that arises from the simultaneous operation of opposing impulses, drives, and external (environmental) or internal demands. Termed intrapsychic when the conflict is between forces within the personality and extrapsychic when it is between the self and the environment.

The situation in which there is simultaneous instigation toward two or more incompatible responses.

State of mental struggle and frustration caused by the simultaneous presence of equally desirable, undesirable, or otherwise opposing or incompatible thoughts, drives, desires, or wishes.

The state produced when a stimulus produces two opposing reactions. The basic types of conflict situation are approach-approach, in which the individual is drawn toward two attractive, but mutually incompatible, goals; approach-avoidance, where the stimulus evokes reactions both to approach and to avoid; and avoidance-avoidance, in which the avoidance reaction to one stimulus would bring the individual closer to an equally unpleasant stimulus. Conflict has been used to explain the development of neurotic disorders, and the resolution of conflict remains an important part of psychoanalysis.

The opposing action of incompatible substances.




