
Cone-bearing tree with needles or scales, such as hemlock, spruce, pine, fir, or arborvitae.

An evergreen, needled, cone-bearing tree or shrub.

A member of a primitive order of flowering plants (the Gymnospermae), characterized by their cones and usually needle-like leaves. They are all shrubs or trees, usually evergreen, and the hardiest trees in cold climates; they supply the bulk of the world’s timber. Pines, cypresses, sequoias and junipers are examples.

A member of the major subgroup of the gymnosperms the Pinopsida, flowerless seed-bearing woody plants mostly with needle-like or scale-like leaves, representing a lower and earlier evolutionary level than the flowering plants. Some conifers, using the term in the broad sense, do not bear their seed in recognisable cones but in more fleshy structures (for example, yews, podocarps, junipers) but belong with the conifers nonetheless.




