
A condition resulting from brain injury that renders voluntary muscular control and conscious action impossible.

Person subjected to cutting of the spinal cord at the level of the brainstem, usually as a result of severe trauma; also refers to body position assumed by patients with severe brain damage (decerebrate rigidity or posturing) with the extremities stiff and extended, and the head retracted; opposite is decorticate rigidity with arms flexed, fists clenched, and legs extended.

The state of being without a functioning cerebrum (the main controlling part of the brain). This condition occurs when the brain stem is damaged. When in response to stimulation the arms of a comatose person are extended and internally rotated, he or she is said to be in decerebrate posture.

To eliminate cerebral function by decerebration.

The condition of lacking a functional cerebrum, the primary governing region of the brain, arises when the brainstem is severed, resulting in the isolation of the cerebrum from the rest of the brain.




