Dysthymic disorder

Is characterized by a chronic course of at least 2 years’ duration (i.e., seldom without symptoms) with depressive mood and a range of other symptoms that may include feelings of inadequacy, loss of self-esteem, or self-deprecation; feelings of hopelessness or despair; feelings of guilt, brooding about past events, or self-pity; low energy and chronic tiredness; being less active or talkative than usual; poor concentration and indecisiveness; and inability to enjoy pleasurable activities. The severity of the depression does not meet the criteria for major depressive disorder.

A chronically depressed or dysphoric mood that is present more than 50% of the time for at least 2 years in adults or as an irritable mood for 1 year for children or adolescents. Affected people describe themselves as being chronically sad and “down in the dumps.”




