Facial spasm

An involuntary, repetitive, spasmodic movement of the facial muscles. The most common facial spasms are eye blinking or squinting, twitching around the mouth, and wrinkling of the nose. While their cause remains unknown, facial spasms usually increase in severity during stressful periods. Facial spasms most often occur in childhood, but some persist in adulthood. Facial spasms, although annoying, are rarely caused by severe problems. Although a facial spasm is commonly called a Tic, tics can also refer more generally to involuntary, repetitive movements anywhere in the body. Treatments of facial spasms include muscle relaxants, anticholinergic agents, and dopamine agonists, but the most effective treatment is injection of botulinum toxin type A (Botox).

An involuntary contraction of muscles supplied by the facial nerve, involving one side of the face or the region around the eye.

Facial spasm is a rare disorder characterized by frequent twitching of the muscles supplied by the facial nerve. This condition primarily affects middle-aged women, and its exact cause remains unknown.




