Feldenkrais method

A form of “body education” that teaches efficient and coordinated use of the body. The goal of the Feldenkrais method is to reduce stress on joints, increase flexibility, and expand the range of motion. The method was invented by an Israeli nuclear physicist following his own knee injury when he developed a way to restore function without pain. The Feldenkrais method teaches students to attend to messages communicated by their bodies and to substitute free flowing movements that relax tense muscles. The method is popular with dancers, actors, and other performers. People with conditions such as back pain, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, stroke, and neurological and musculoskeletal disorders, are most likely to benefit from this method of movement.

A form of therapy devoted to improving limitations of range of motion, improving poor posture, and relieving stress.

Group classes and hands-on lessons designed to improve the coordination of the whole person in comfortable, effective, and intelligent movement.

A therapeutic approach centered around cultivating a positive self-perception through the correction and refinement of bodily movements.




