
An iron-carrier protein, found in large amounts in liver and spleen, and also at low concentrations in serum which can be measured as an index of iron stores in the body. However, it is also sensitive to the acute phase reaction: its concentration in serum increases markedly during infection or inflammation.

An iron-protein complex (a metalloprotein) that occurs in living tissues. Functions in iron storage in spleen.

The form in which iron is stored in the body is an iron-protein complex made up of iron and the protein apoferritin.

A protein found in the liver that binds reversibly to iron and stores it for later use in making haemoglobin in red blood cells.

An iron-binding protein that transports iron from the absorption site in the intestine to the site where it is used.

Iron compound found in the intestines, liver and spleen, it contains more than 20% iron and is one of the chief forms in which iron is stored in the body.

Blood chemistry test, used to diagnose iron deficiency anemia, that indirectly measures the amount of iron stored in the body by measuring the small amount that is always present in the blood.

A blood protein that contains iron; measured to determine the amount of iron stored in the bone marrow, and to diagnose the causes of anemia or unexplained weakness.

An iron-protein complex that is one of the forms in which iron is stored in the tissues.

An iron-phosphorus protein complex containing about 23% iron. It is formed in the intestinal mucosa by the union of ferric iron with a protein, apoferritin. Tissues store iron in this form, principally in the reticuloendothelial cells of the liver, spleen, and bone marrow.

Ferritin is a compound composed of iron and protein primarily located in the liver and spleen. It serves as the primary form in which iron is stored within the body.




