Ferrous sulfate

A dietary supplement used to treat iron deficiencies and iron deficiency anemia. Ferrous sulfate (Feosol, Fero- Folic, ViTelle, Irospan, Vi-Daylin) contains the iron needed for the formation and function of red blood cells that carry oxygen through the bloodstream. Ferrous sulfate is available without a prescription, but it should not be used for long periods without the approval of a doctor because the body rids itself of iron very slowly. Excessive amounts of iron can be dangerous.

An iron salt administered by mouth to treat or prevent iron-deficiency anemia. There are few serious side-effects; stomach upsets and diarrhea may be prevented by taking the drug with meals. Similar preparations used to treat anemia include ferrous fumarate and ferrous succinate.

An iron compound used to treat iron-deficiency anemia.




