
A synthetic steroid derivative that inhibits androgen production.

A drug used to reduce the size of an enlarged prostate gland in men and to improve urine flow. Finasteride (Proscar) works by decreasing the level of an androgen (male sex hormone) that stimulates development of the prostate gland. Finasteride (Propecia) is also used to treat male pattern baldness. This drug is intended for use only by men. Women who might be pregnant are warned never to come in contact with it, even in the amount that may be in semen from the male sexual partner, because of the risk of causing an abnormality in the fetus.

Any of the five digits on the hand. The thumb contains two bones, and each of the other fingers contains three bones (phalanges.) Hinge joints between these bones, controlled by tendons, allow the fingers to bend or straighten. The fingers are finely tuned grasping devices, and the range of motion of the thumb is much wider than in any other primate. An artery, a vein, and a nerve run down each side of the finger. The nail, actually a specialized type of skin cell at the end of the finger, protects the highly sensitive fingertip. The skin on each fingertip is loaded with sensory nerve cells that make the area extremely sensitive to touch. The skin on the surface of the fingertip is grooved to help the fingers achieve a good grip.

A drug which inhibits the enzyme that metabolises testosterone into the more potent androgen, dihydrotestosterone. This inhibition results in a reduction of prostate tissue. The drug is used to treat enlarged prostate glands, thus improving urinary flow. Its side-effects include reduced  libido, and impotence. Finasteride offers an alternative to prostatectomy for some men but a significant minority do not improve. Women of childbearing age should not handle broken or crushed tablets.

Finasteride is a specific enzyme-inhibiting medication that blocks the transformation of testosterone into a more powerful male hormone called dihydrotestosterone. It’s employed in the management of benign prostatic hyperplasia, or noncancerous enlargement of the prostate, by reducing the size of the gland, which in turn enhances urine flow. Additionally, it’s used to combat male pattern baldness. Some of the side effects can include impotence, decreased libido, and reduced semen volume.




