Finger‐joint replacement

Artificial replacement for human finger‐joints, including the thumb.

A surgical procedure to remove diseased parts of the finger joint, usually the knuckle, and replace it with a prosthesis. The purpose of the procedure is to replace a finger joint that has been removed due to severe pain, deformity, and loss of function, generally as a result of arthritis. Polymer finger joint replacements offer relief from pain and an improved range of motion for most people, as well as improved appearance in the finger.

A surgical operation involves the use of one or more synthetic joints, composed of metal, plastic, or silicone rubber, to substitute finger joints that have been damaged by disease, typically rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis.

Typically, multiple finger joints are addressed simultaneously during the procedure. An incision is made to reveal the joint, followed by the removal of the ends of the two afflicted bones within the joint, along with any diseased cartilage. Subsequently, an artificial joint is placed into the bone ends. The finger is kept immobilized using a splint until the wound recovers. Around ten days later, the bandages are taken off, and the patient is urged to start exercising their fingers and return to their normal routines.

The replacement of a finger joint is generally successful in alleviating pain caused by arthritis and allows the patient to regain use of their hands. However, it seldom restores the finger’s normal range of motion.




