
The arrest of psychosocial development. This condition may be considered pathological, depending on the degree of intensity, and is often a consequence of early trauma.

Stereotyped response developed as a consequence of conflict.

A psychological disorder where a person does not develop beyond a particular stage.

Process of securing a part, as by sewing with catgut or wire (suturing).

A failure to develop past a particular stage in normal psychological growth or an abnormally close and suffocating attachment to another person, usually a figure from childhood.

A failure of psychological development, in which traumatic events prevent a child from progressing to the next developmental stage. This is said to be a cause of mental illness and personality disorder.

The act of holding or fastening in a rigid position. The act of immobilizing or making rigid.

According to psychoanalytic theory, fixation refers to the process through which an individual forms or maintains emotional attachments to real or imagined objects or events from their early childhood. When fixations are strong, often arising from traumatic experiences, they can give rise to immature and inappropriate behaviors. Some analysts consider the regression to these early events as the foundation for certain emotional disorders.

The term “fixation” is also used to describe the process of aligning and stabilizing fractured bones. This can be achieved through external methods, such as using a plaster cast, or internal methods, which involve surgically introducing pins, plates, or nails into the injured area.




