
Decreasing the angle at a joint or moving out of anatomical position.

Bending of a joint between two bones that decreases the angle between the two bones.

The movement of a body joint such that the angle about the center of rotation or fulcrum decreases: extension.

Bending of a joint (e.g., the elbow) that causes two adjoining bones (e.g., those in the upper and lower arm) to come closer together.

The bending of a joint so that bones forming it are brought toward each other. Plantar flexion is the bending of toes (or fingers) downward, toward the sol (or palm).

The bending of a joint in the sagittal plane. Usually an anterior movement, it is occasionally posterior, as in the case of the knee-joint. Lateral flexion refers to the bending of the spine in the coronal plane that is, from side to side.

The act of bending or condition of being bent in contrast to extension.

Flexion refers to a bending movement or position that reduces the angle between two body parts. Volkmann’s contracture specifically denotes a flexion contracture affecting the hand.




