
A corticosteroid used to treat asthma attacks and certain skin disorders. Fluticasone is available as an inhalant for the treatment of asthma (Flovent); as a nasal spray to treat symptoms of rhinitis, such as runny nose and postnasal drip (Flonase); and as a skin cream or ointment to treat skin disorders (Cutivate).

An aerosol corticosteroid drug used in the prevention and treatment of attacks of asthma.

A corticosteroid administered in an aerosol inhaler to treat and prevent asthma. It is also used as a nasal spray to treat seasonal allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps, and other chronic inflammatory conditions; and topically to manage allergic and immunological skin problems. Its therapeutic classes are antiasthmatics, corticosteroids, and allergy, cold, and cough remedies.

This corticosteroid medication is available in different forms: as an inhaler to manage asthma, as a nasal spray to alleviate the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, and as an ointment or cream to address dermatitis and eczema.

Although uncommon, potential side effects of this medication may include nosebleeds when used as a nasal spray, candidiasis (thrush) in the mouth and throat when taken via inhalation, and skin irritation when applied as an ointment or cream.




