Folie a deux

A condition in which two people who are closely involved with each other share a system of delusions. Sometimes one member of the pair has developed a ‘psychosis and has imposed it on the other by a process of suggestion; sometimes both members are schizophrenic and elaborate their delusions or hallucinations together. More than two people may be involved (folie a trois, folie a quatre, etc.). Treatment usually involves separation of the affected people and management according to their individual requirements.

A thin leaflike structure, such as any of the folds on the surface of the cerebellum.

The sharing and reinforcement of a delusion, usually of the paranoid type, at the same time by two closely associated persons.

The term “folie à deux,” of French origin, is used to describe a rare phenomenon where two individuals share the same psychotic disorder. Typically, these two people have a close relationship and may experience one or more shared paranoid delusions. Interestingly, if they are separated, one of them usually quickly recovers from the symptoms, which were influenced by the dominant and genuinely psychotic partner.




