
A small strip or fold of integument or mucous membrane that restricts the movements of an adjacent structure.

A delicate thin fold of skin that connects the foreskin with the undersurface of the glans penis also, frenum.

Band or fold of membrane that connects two organs and usually limits the movement of one, esp. the band of tissue (frenulum linguae) that extends from the floor of the mouth to the undersurface of the tongue, limiting the movement of the tongue. (If the frenulum is too short, tongue movement is impaired; this condition, known as tongue-tied, can usually be corrected surgically.)

An elongated connective structure that attaches two parts such as the posterior surface of the tongue and upper lip at the gum line.

Any of the folds of mucous membrane under the tongue or between the gums and the upper or lower lips.

A frenulum is a fold of tissue or mucous membrane that serves to restrict the movement of an organ or a specific part of the body. One instance of a frenulum is the fold of mucous membrane located on the inner side of the upper lip, connecting it to the gum. Another example is the attachment of the foreskin to the glans (head) of the penis.




