
Number of occurrences per area.

As related to exercise, how often work is performed.

In physics, the rate at which a sound source vibrates, measured in cycles per second.

The number of times something takes place in a given time.

The rate of vibration in oscillations.

Need to have an action occur often (e.g., urinary frequency).

The number of regular recurrences of an event during a given period of time. Examples in medicine are the heartbeat, and sound vibrations in the ear or vocal cords.

The number of repetitions of a phenomenon in a certain period or within a distinct population, such as the frequency of heartbeat, sound vibrations, or a disease.

How often; the number of times an exercise or group of exercises is performed within a certain time frame.

The frequency of an event occurring within a specific time frame or the number of workout sessions completed on a weekly basis.

In the domain of periodic phenomena, such as alternating current, sound waves, or x-rays, a significant characteristic known as frequency holds importance. Frequency denotes the number of complete cycles occurring within a specified unit of time. It is commonly expressed in terms of cycles.

Sound, be it traversing the expanse of air or the intricate pathways of the human anatomy, gives rise to vibrations, wherein the very molecules engage in a lively dance of collisions, akin to a jubilant shock wave traversing its path. The essence of a sound lies within its frequency, quantifying the sheer multitude of vibrations transpiring within a single second. Delving into the realm of audibility, frequency assumes the mantle of pitch, for it is in direct proportion to the ascent of sound’s melodic summit.

The frequency of an event, often used to describe an increased need for urination in a patient, can be categorized as diurnal frequency when it happens during the day and nocturnal frequency when it occurs at night. This condition is commonly observed in elderly men with an enlarged prostate gland or in cases of inflammation in the genitourinary tract.




