
A device that provides protection and temperature control for a newborn infant.

An apparatus for growing bacterial cultures.

An enclosed container in which a premature baby can be kept, within which conditions such as temperature and oxygen levels can be controlled.

A special device providing control of the environment, including heat, light, oxygen, and humidity. In neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), incubators are often used for premature or low-birth-weight infants, or newborns with health problems. Sometimes these incubators may include tubes that assist in breathing and feeding. Incubators may have portholes in the sides so that parents and nursing staff can handle the baby, for bonding and stimulation of the senses.

Special transparent device that provides a controlled environment (e.g., a particular temperature) for a premature or low-birth-weight infant.

A cabinet heated to a temperature that is kept constant to allow cultures of bacteria to grow; or a temperature-regulated apparatus for housing premature babies.

A transparent container for keeping premature babies in controlled conditions and protecting them from infection. Other forms of incubator are used for cultivating bacteria in Petri dishes and for hatching eggs.

A special bed for an infant who needs control of its environment: temperature, humidity, and breathing (such as supplementary oxygen). An incubator also provides isolation for the infant. Incubators are used for premature infants and other infants with special problems, whether born in the hospital or elsewhere.

An enclosed crib, in which the temperature and humidity may be regulated, for care of premature babies.

A special chamber that protects a premature baby until it is more developed.

An incubator is a clear plastic crib designed to provide optimal conditions for the survival of premature or ill newborns. Within an incubator, levels of oxygen, temperature, and humidity are regulated. Incubators are equipped with portholes that facilitate handling of the baby, along with smaller ones that allow for the passage of monitoring cables and intravenous and respiratory tubing.

The time from when a microorganism enters the body to when it manifests as a disease; the method of growing these organisms in a lab setting.

A device used to nurture premature or fragile infants, providing controlled warmth, humidity, and oxygen levels.




