Intention tremor

A trembling of the hands seen when people suffering from particular brain diseases make voluntary movements to try to touch something.

A tremor exhibited or intensified when attempting coordinated movements.

Rhythmic shaking that occurs in the course of a purposeful movement, such as reaching to pick something up or bringing an outstretched finger in to touch one’s nose.

A rhythmic and involuntary tremor of the muscles that initiates with intentional (voluntary) movement is referred to as an intention tremor. This tremor specifically impacts muscles involved in active movement and does not affect muscles at rest.

A type of tremor involves involuntary, rhythmic muscle shaking that only appears when an individual attempts a deliberate action, like reaching for or grabbing an item. The shaking intensifies as one gets closer to the object. Typically, this condition stems from issues or injuries to the cerebellum, the part of the brain responsible for movement coordination.




