John Romulus brinkley

Surgeon known as “GOAT GLAND” Brinkley for his sex rejuvenation remedy. As a young man, Brinkley worked in the slaughterhouse, where he developed the idea that animal’s sex organs could aid impotence. He obtained a doctor’s degree from the Eclectic Medical University and later acquired a diploma in medicine and surgery from the Royal University in Pavia, Italy. He set up practice in Milford, Kansas, offering men whose sexual prowess was flagging a new life with transplanted sex glands from a goat. His advertisements ran under a slogan, “Just let me get your goat, and you’ll be a Mr. Ram-What-Am for every lamb.”

In 1930 Brinkley began to advertise his goat-gland remedy over the radio. His program brought him unwanted attention from Kansas Medical Association, which filed a complaint against Brinkley charging him with alcoholism, malpractice, and unprofessional conduct. The Kansas Medical Board revoked Brinkley’s license to practice on the grounds that the operation he offered was medically useless, and the Federal Communications Commission refused to renew the license of his radio station. Brinkley responded by hiring licensed physicians to work with him, and the hospital he had established continued to perform the operation without Brinkley’s personal involvement in the surgical procedure. He then moved his entire operation to Mexico, where he established a clinic and broadcast over one of Mexico’s unregulated stations. He had made a number of political allies with gifts of free radio time, and called upon them in hours of crisis. Then, he countered all of his detractors by announcing a campaign for governor of Kansas. Unable to get on the ballot, he received enough write-in votes for the state political powers to recognize his widespread popularity.





