
Is an inflammation of the larynx.

Inflammation of the lining of the larynx causing hoarseness.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx and swelling of the vocal cords, characterized by loss or hoarseness of voice, cough, and sometimes difficult breathing. It may be acute, caused by bacterial or viral infection or irritation (e.g., from irritating fumes); or chronic, from excessive use of the voice, excessive smoking, or long-term exposure to irritants. Treatment depends on the cause, but usually includes rest of the voice, a moist atmosphere, and the avoidance of irritants. (In young children spasm of the larynx and difficulty in breathing may result.)

Inflammation and hoarseness of vocal cords, often due to overuse or infection.

An inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx (voice box). Symptoms of laryngitis include hoarseness, gradual loss of voice, and throat discomfort. If a virus is the cause, the laryngitis will go away within a few days without treatment. If hoarseness lasts more than a week, a physician should be consulted. Children with a sharp barking cough may have croup.

Inflammation of the larynx and vocal cords, due to infection by bacteria or viruses or irritation by gases, chemicals, etc. The cords lose their vibrance (owing to swelling) and the voice becomes husky or is lost completely; breathing is harsh and difficult; and the cough is painful and honking. Obstruction of the airways may occasionally be serious, especially in children. The patient should rest his voice and remain in a warm moisture-laden atmosphere; steam inhalations for 15-20 minutes every 2-3 hours are traditionally beneficial. The patient should avoid cold air or fog and smoking.

Inflammation of the larynx, or voice box, can be short-term, lasting just a few days, or long-term, continuing for an extended period.

Acute laryngitis often results from a viral infection like a cold, an allergy, or from straining the voice box muscles. On the other hand, chronic laryngitis can be due to excessive voice use, intense coughing, exposure to tobacco smoke or harmful fumes, or injuries from surgery. Consuming alcohol, especially hard liquors, can worsen laryngitis.

The most frequent symptom is hoarseness, which can evolve into voice loss. There might also be throat discomfort and a dry, bothersome cough. When laryngitis is caused by a viral infection, it often comes with a fever and an overall sense of being unwell.

Treatment varies based on the underlying cause. Acute laryngitis resulting from a viral infection typically resolves on its own. For chronic laryngitis, the primary approach is voice rest, possibly supplemented with over-the-counter pain relievers, steam inhalation, and avoiding tobacco and alcohol. If hoarseness continues for over two weeks, it’s essential to consult a medical professional to rule out the risk of laryngeal cancer. In some instances, speech therapy can be beneficial for chronic laryngitis.

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx. It can be either acute or chronic and can manifest in various types such as catarrhal, suppurative, diphtheritic, tuberculous, or syphilitic. The most typical form is acute catarrhal laryngitis, often associated with a severe cold, leading to symptoms like hoarseness or even total voice loss. A rarer form, chronic catarrhal laryngitis, results in ongoing hoarseness, throat pain and dryness, difficulty swallowing, and a persistent cough.




