
Any position that is right or left of the midline.

On or at the side or margin; for example, lateral leaflets, those flanking the central leaflet, or lateral sepals in Orchidaceae.

A term used in exercise to describe one body part’s position in relation to another. Lateral means away from the midline.

A botanical term meaning branching on either side of the stem.

At or on the side, usually from a stem.

Pertaining to one side.

A side shoot, growing from the axil of a leaf of the main stem. In many fruit trees it is these shoots that bear the flowers and ultimately the fruit.

On one side of an organ.

A side shoot, growing from the axil of a leaf of the main stem. In many fruit trees it is these shoots that bear the flowers and ultimately the fruit.

To a side; away from the center plane, as the cheeks are lateral to the nose.

The side of the body; the outer side of the body, the outer side of a body part, or a position or structure that lies away from the midline of the body. The lateral or outside part of a knee, for example, is that side farther from the other knee. The opposite of lateral is medial.

Referring to the sides of an organ or of the body, or that part furthest from the mid line or median plane.




