Lichen planus

An inflammatory mucocutaneous disorder characterized by discrete skin papules with a keratinized covering which often appears in the form of adherent scales. Oral lesions with characteristic radiating white striae are common.

A chronic mucocutaneous disease that affects the skin, tongue, and oral mucosa.

A skin disease where itchy purple spots appear on the arms and thighs.

Skin disorder characterized by small, flat, purplish, usually itchy papules, occurring most often on the wrists, forearms, and thighs.

A benign (not cancerous) skin condition consisting of shiny flat papules (small superficial bumps on the skin) that vary from pink to red to violet. The itchy bumps of lichen planus usually develop on the arms and legs but may occur anywhere on the body. Diagnosis is made through physical examination, medical history, and sometimes a skin biopsy. Treatment of the rash is with topical and, in severe cases, oral corticosteroids. Retinoids (forms of vitamin A) and phototherapy (treatment with light) have also been used.

An inflammatory rash marked by the presence of itchy, red to violet, polygon-shaped papules, which typically appear on the scalp, in the oral cavity, or on the limbs. The papules may merge into plaques crisscrossed by faint fines called “Wickham’s striae.” Typically, the rash persists for 1 to 2 years and then spontaneously improves, although about one in five patients will suffer a recurrence.

A rare condition characterized by recurring, pruritic, inflammatory rashes or lesions on the skin or within the oral cavity. While the precise cause remains unknown, the disorder is believed to be associated with an allergic or immune response. The skin manifestations are discernibly distinct from those seen in other disorders.

A prevalent skin disorder with an unidentified origin that typically impacts individuals in their middle years. Tiny, glossy, and intensely itchy pink or purple elevated spots manifest on the inner wrists, forearms, or lower legs. Frequently, there’s an intricate pattern of white spots resembling lace on the inner cheek lining. Topical corticosteroid medications are employed to treat this condition.

A skin condition characterized by an eruption of small lilactinted, flat-topped, shiny papules, which are polygonal in outline, on the front of the wrist, lumbosacral area, external genitals, inner side of the thighs, shins, calves, and ankles, and sometimes on the lining of the mouth. The cause is not known, but it may be due to either a bacterium or a virus. The disease occurs most commonly between the ages of 30 and 60 years, in women more frequently than in men; children are seldom affected. At first the papules may be discrete, but usually they collect together to form irregular rounded areas covered with fine adherent scales. Itching is usually a prominent feature and it can be so distressing as to prevent sleep and cause frantic scratching, but in some cases it may be slight, or even absent. No specific treatment is known, though large doses of vitamin B have been thought to be helpful and so has the administration of cortisone or similar drugs. X-ray treatment to some areas has brought relief. It is a difficult disorder to treat, for while one case may respond dramatically to treatment, another case may be resistant to all the doctor’s efforts.




