Lip cancer

Cancer that usually occurs on the lower lip. Lip cancer is associated with long-term sun exposure and using tobacco and alcohol. A biopsy is required to make the diagnosis.

A squamous cell carcinoma of the lower lip usually seen in men or smokers.

A cancerous growth (often a squamous cell carcinoma) that typically occurs on the lower lip is known as lip cancer. This condition predominantly affects older individuals, especially those who have had significant sun exposure and have been long-term smokers of cigarettes or pipes.

The initial indication involves the appearance of a pale patch on the lip, which subsequently progresses to a scaly and cracked texture, often accompanied by a yellowish crust. Over time, the impacted region enlarges and ultimately forms an ulcer. In certain instances, the cancer extends to the lymph nodes situated in the jaw and neck.

The diagnosis of lip cancer involves performing a biopsy, which entails collecting a sample of lip tissue for microscopic evaluation. Treatment options include surgical excision, radiotherapy, or a combination of these approaches.




