Liquid diet

A diet consisting only of liquids.

A wide variety of diets fit this category. Clear liquids include broths, clear juices, tea, and gelatin; full liquids include such items as ice cream, pureed soups, and so on. Formulated products are available that provide all the needed nutrients for individuals who cannot chew or digest foods in the normal state. These are appropriate for long-term use by such patients.

Diet consisting of foods that can be served in liquid or strained form, plus custards, puddings, and similar foods. It is prescribed after certain types of surges and in some infectious and inflammatory conditions.

A diet for persons unable to tolerate solid food or for patients whose gastrointestinal tract must be free of solid matter. This type of diet may contain coffee with hot milk, tea, water, milk in all forms, milk and cream mixtures, cocoa, strained cream soups, fruit juices, meat juices, beef bouillon, tea, clear broths, gruels, strained meat soups, and eggnog.




