Loosening of associations

A disturbance of thinking evident in a person’s speech in which the person shifts from one subject to another subject unrelated or minimally related to the first. Statements made by the person that lack a meaningful relationship may be juxtaposed, or speech may shift suddenly from one frame of reference to another. The person gives no indication of being aware of the disconnectedness, contradictions, or illogicality of speech.

A disturbance of thinking in which ideas shift from one subject to another in an oblique or unrelated manner. The speaker is unaware of the disturbance. When loosening of associations is severe, speech may be incoherent. Contrast with flight of ideas.

A sign of disordered thought processes in which the person speaks with frequent changes of subject, and the content is only obliquely related, if at all, to the subject matter. This may be seen in mania or schizophrenia.




