Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Thrifty

    Thriving, growing vigorously, and being healthy, especially when assessing the health status of animals or plants.  

  • Threshold substance

    A substance present in the blood that, on being filtered through glomeruli of the kidney, is reabsorbed by the tubules up to a certain limit, that being the upper limit of the concentration of the substance in normal plasma. High-threshold substances (e.g., chlorides or glucose) are entirely or almost entirely reabsorbed. Low-threshold substances (e.g., phosphates…

  • Viability threshold

    The body weight or gestational age of an infant below which the ability to survive is doubtful.  

  • Ketosis threshold

    The lower limit at which ketone bodies (acetoacetic acid, hydroxybutyric acid, and acetone), on their accumulation in the blood, are excreted by the kidney. At that point, ketone bodies are being produced faster by the liver than the body can oxidize them.  

  • Erythema threshold

    The stage of ultraviolet skin injury in which erythema of the skin due to radiation begins.  

  • Differential threshold

    The lowest limit at which two stimuli can be differentiated from each other.  

  • Acoustic reflex threshold

    The decibel level that provokes reflex contraction of the stapedius muscle. Tests that measure the triggering of the acoustic stapedius reflex are used to determine the presence of sensorineural hearing loss.  

  • Three-glass test

    A test to identify the site of a urinary tract infection. On awakening, the patient empties the bladder by passing urine sequentially into three test tubes (glasses). The amount of cellular debris visible to the naked eye in the glasses helps to determine whether the infection is located in the anterior urethra, posterior urethra, or…

  • Disturbed thought processes

    A state in which an individual experiences a disruption in cognitive operations and activities.  

  • Thoron

    A radioactive isotope of radon having a half-fife of 51.5 sec; atomic weight, 220; atomic number, 86.  

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