Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • End-to-end bite

    A bite in which the incisors of both jaws meet along the cutting edge when the jaw is closed.  

  • Cat bite

    A wound inflicted by the teeth of a cat; typically a puncture wound on the hand or the arm. A cat bite is usually infected with multiple aerobic and anaerobic organisms, including Pasteurella multocida. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are required. About 20% of the time, the wound does not respond to antibiotic therapy and needs incision and…

  • Bisulfate

    An acid sulfate in which a monovalent metal and a hydrogen ion are combined with the sulfate radical.  

  • Bisphenol A

    A chemical used in many consumer products to increase their durability and toughness. Its chemical formula is 2,2-bis (4,4′-hydroxyphenyl) propane. It is used principally in manufacturing polycarbonates and epoxy resins. It has estrogen-like effects in animal tissue. Some studies have suggested that BPA has negative hormonal effects on adults and the developing fetus.  

  • Bisiliac

    To the two iliac crests or any corresponding iliac structures.  

  • Bishop’s score

    A system for evaluating the potential for successful elective induction of labor. Factors assessed include fetal station, cervical position, effacement, dilation, and consistency. Each factor receives a score of 0, 1, 2, or 3, for the maximum predictive total score of 15. The lower the score, the greater the possibility that labor induction will fail.…

  • Birth spacing

    The time between the birth of one child and the birth of the next one. Parents often manage the interval between births for a variety of personal, psychological, or economic reasons. Intervals of less than 17 months or more than 5 years increase the risk of certain maternal and child health problems, such as pre-eclampsia,…

  • Birth center

    An alternative nonhospital facility that provides family-oriented maternity care for women judged to be at low risk of experiencing obstetrical complications.  

  • Dry birth

    A colloquial and imprecise term for a birth that follows premature rupture of membranes.  

  • Complete birth

    The instant of complete separation of the body of the infant from that of the mother, regardless of whether the cord or placenta is detached.  

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