Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Virtual colonoscopy

    A procedure that links computed tomography of the colon with techniques that produce three-dimensional views of the mucosa of the large bowel similar to those obtained during traditional colonoscopy. Early experience suggests that the new technique produces better results than barium enemas and is almost as effective as conventional colonoscopy. Virtual colonoscopy offers faster results, and…

  • Coliform

    Description of a gram-negative bacterium found in the faeces. It covers the bacterial groups Enterobacter, Escherichia, and Klebsiella.  

  • Colestyramine

    A drug of value in the treatment of the pruritus, or itching, which occurs in association with jaundice. It does this by ‘binding’ the bile salts in the gut and so preventing their being reabsorbed into the bloodstream, where their excess in jaundice is responsible for the itching. It reduces the level of cholesterol and…

  • Cold weather itch

    Cold-weather itch is a common form of itchiness that occurs in cold weather. It is characterised by slight dryness of the skin, and is particularly troublesome in the legs of old people. The dryness may be accompanied by some mild inflammation of the skin. Treatment is by the application of emollients such as aqueous cream…

  • Cocci

    Spherical bacteria that cause a variety of infections. Staphylococci, streptococci and meningococci are examples. Round-shaped bacteria that appear singly (alone) or in groups. The three types of cocci are staphylococci, streptococci, and diplococci.  

  • Cluster headaches

    A type of migraine occurring in clusters — that is, a patient may have an attack daily for several days and then none for weeks or months. The pain is on one side of the head, often centred over the eye. The pain is excruciatingly severe and often associated with tears, nasal discharge and production…

  • Clormethiazole

    A useful hypnotic, particularly for elderly patients, because of its freedom from hangover effect. It is particularly beneficial in the acute withdrawal symptoms of alcoholism, and is used to treat status epilepticus. The drug’s sedative effects are an adjunct to regional anaesthesia and may also be of help in eclampsia. Dependence may occur occasionally and…

  • Clomiphene

    An anti-oestrogen drug that stimulates ovulation, or the production of ova, through the medium of the pituitary gland. When used in the treatment of female infertility, one of its hazards is that, if given in too-big doses, it may result in multiple pregnancies.  

  • Clinical symptoms

    The experiences of a patient as communicated to a doctor, for example, pain, weakness, cough. They may or may not be accompanied by confirmatory clinical signs.  

  • Clinical sign

    The physical manifestations of an illness elicited by a doctor when examining a patient — for example, a rash, lump, swelling, fever or altered physical function such as reflexes.  

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