Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Tenia

    A flat ribbonlike anatomical structure. The teniae coli are the longitudinal ribbonlike muscles of the colon. A flat, ribbon-like piece of soft tissue, also known as taenia.  

  • Tendon organ

    A sensory receptor found within a tendon that responds to the tension or stretching of the tendon and relays impulses to the central nervous system. Like stretch receptors in muscle, tendon organs are part of the proprioceptor system.  

  • Telodendron

    One of the branches into which the axon of a neuron divides at its destination. Each telodendron finishes as a terminal bouton, which takes part in a synapse or a neuromuscular junction.  

  • Telocentric

    A chromosome in which the centromere is situated at either of its ends. Location of the centromere in the extreme end of the replicating chromosome so that there is only one arm on the chromosome.  

  • Telecurietherapy

    A form of radiotherapy in which penetrating radiation is directed at a patient from a distance. Originally radium was used as the radiation source; today artificial radioactive isotopes, such as cobalt-60, are used.  

  • Telangitis

    Inflammation of the smallest blood vessels.  

  • Teichopsia

    Shimmering colored lights, accompanied by blank spots in the visual field {transient scotomata), often seen by sufferers at the beginning of an attack of migraine. Zigzag lines (called fortification spectra) that patients with migraine often experience as a visual aura preceding an attack. A visual disruption characterized by the presence of flickering, zigzagging patterns of…

  • Tectum

    The roof of the midbrain, behind and above the ‘cerebral aqueduct. From the nerve tissue protrude two pairs of rounded swellings called the superior and inferior colliculi, which contain cells concerned with reflexes involving vision and hearing, respectively. Any structure serving as, or resembling, a roof. A structure resembling a roof.  

  • Tear gas

    Any of the several kinds of gas used in warfare and by the police to produce temporary incapacitation. Most tear gases produce stinging pain in the eyes and streaming from the eyes and nose.  

  • Tambour

    A recording drum consisting of an elastic membrane stretched over one end of a cylinder. It is used in various instruments for recording changes in air pressure. A shallow, drum-shaped appliance used in registering information such as changes in rate or intensity of pulse, respiration, or arterial blood pressure.  

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