Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Transtubercular plane

    An imaginary horizontal line drawn across the lower abdomen at the level of the projecting parts of the iliac bones.  

  • Transpyloric plane

    A plane at right angles to the sagittal plane, passing midway between the suprasternal notch and the symphysis pubis.  

  • Transport

    To carry someone or something to another place. Movement of materials within the body, especially across cell membranes. Movement or transfer of substances. Transport may occur actively, passively, or with the assistance of a carrier.  

  • Transplacental

    Through the placenta. Passing across or through the placenta, as nutrients and wastes.  

  • Transmit

    To pass something such as a message or a disease.  

  • Transmission-based precautions

    The most recent set of guidelines for health care workers on dealing with highly infectious diseases, to be used in addition to the Standard Precautions. There are three categories: Airborne Precautions, Droplet Precautions and Contact Precautions, sometimes used in combination for diseases which can be transmitted in various ways. Measures suggested by the Centers for…

  • Transmigration

    The movement of a cell through a membrane. The act of passing through or across, e.g. the passage of blood cells through the intact walls of capillaries and venules. Wandering across or through, especially the passage of white blood cells through capillary membranes into the tissues. The process of moving across or through something, for…

  • Translumbar

    Through the lumbar region.  

  • Transitional epithelium

    A type of epithelium found in the urethra. A form of stratified epithelium in which the cuboidal cells adjust to mechanical changes such as stretching and recoiling. This type of tissue is found only in the urinary system (renal pelvis, ureter, bladder, and a part of the urethra).  

  • Transitional

    In the process of developing into something.  

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