Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Identity bracelet

    A label attached to the wrist of a newborn baby or patient in hospital, so that he or she can be identified.  

  • Ideation

    The act or process of imagining or forming thoughts and ideas. Process of forming ideas, images, impressions, or concepts. The process of thinking; the formation of ideas. Ideation is impaired in dementias, depression, organic brain diseases, and some drug overdoses but speeds up in the early stage of some types of mild intoxication. It is…

  • Icterus gravis neonatorum

    Jaundice associated with erythroblastosis fetalis.  

  • Ichthamol

    A thick dark red liquid which is a mild antiseptic and analgesic, used in the treatment of skin diseases.  

  • Ice bag

    A cold compress made of lumps of ice wrapped in a cloth or put in a special bag and held against an injured part of the body to reduce pain or swelling. A flexible, watertight bag with a sealable opening large enough to permit ice cubes or chipped ice to be added. It is used…

  • Iatrogenesis

    Any condition caused by the actions of doctors or other healthcare professionals. Any injury or illness that occurs as a result of medical care. Some examples: chemotherapy used to treat cancer may cause nausea, vomiting, hair loss, or depressed white blood cell counts. The use of a Foley catheter for incontinence can create a urinary…

  • Hysterotrachelorrhaphy

    An operation to repair a tear in the cervix. Plastic surgery of a lacerated cervix by paring the edges and suturing them together.  

  • Hysteroscopy

    An examination of the uterine cavity using a hysteroscope or fibrescope. A medical procedure in which an endoscope, a flexible tube containing a periscope-like viewing device, is introduced into the uterus through the vagina and cervix; often performed during a search for causes of infertility. Most reliably performed at the early part of a woman’s…

  • Hysteroscope

    A tube for inspecting the inside of the uterus. A tubular instrument with a light source for observing the interior of the womb. An instrument for examining the uterine cavity.  

  • Hysterosalpingostomy

    An operation to remake an opening between the uterine tube and the uterus, to help with infertility problems. Anastomosis of the uterus with the distal end of the fallopian tube after excision of a strictured portion of the tube.  

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