Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Smoking cessation

    The act of stopping smoking behavior. A process of ending dependence on nicotine, the addictive drug in tobacco products. Since nicotine is highly addictive, withdrawal from it is often unpleasant, causing an intense craving for cigarettes (or other tobacco products), difficulty concentrating, irritability, hunger, constipation, and trouble sleeping. Because tobacco use is the single greatest…

  • Smoking

    Inhaling the smoke from tobacco. Also, inhaling the smoke from marijuana and opium. The action of smoking a cigarette, pipe or cigar. Inhalation of the fumes of burning tobacco leaves. Long thought soothing and fashionable, smoking has in recent decades been increasingly recognized as a major health hazard. Were it not that tobacco smoking has…

  • Smoker’s bronchitis

    An inflammation of the lining of the bronchioles as a result of tobacco smoke.  

  • Smokeless tabacco

    Tobacco products that are chewed or sucked rather than burned or smoked. Tobacco that can be chewed or inhaled.  

  • Smog

    Air pollution composed of a combination of smoke, photochemical compounds, and fog. Pollution of the atmosphere in towns, caused by warm damp air combining with smoke and exhaust fumes from cars. Dense fog combined with smoke and other forms of air pollution. A brownish haze that forms when hydrocarbons react with nitric acid in the…

  • Smegama

    A foul smelling substance secreted by glands at the tip of the penis or around the clitoris.  

  • Smaze

    A form of air pollution that is a combination of smoke, haze, and other pollutants, smog.  

  • Small talk

    A superficial form of conversation that allows people to seek common ground to determine whether they will pursue a relationship.  

  • Slum

    Crowded and squalid neighborhood within a city community.  

  • Sludging

    The clumping of blood cells in the capillaries causing minor hemorrhaging, often as a result of excessive, chronic alcohol use.  

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