Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Exocrine

    Pertaining to glands that release their secretions into the digestive tract or to the outer surface of the body. Secreting into a duct: endocrine glands. Glands that secrete onto internal or external surfaces. A term applied to the external secretion of a gland. Opposite of endocrine. The endocrine system consists of a network of organs…

  • Exfoliative cytology

    Microscopic examination of cells that have been shed from or scaled off the surface epithelium. Performed for diagnostic purposes.  

  • Excoriation


    Abrasion of the skin or of the surface of any organ by trauma, chemical agents, burns, or other causes. Irritation of the superficial layers of the skin. Scraping or wearing away of surface tissue. A raw skin surface or mucous membrane after rubbing or burning. Injury to the surface of the skin caused by scratching,…

  • Exanthems


    Any eruption or rash of the skin (not the mucous membrane). Term often used to describe childhood or infectious rashes. Any skin eruption with inflammation, as measles. A skin rash found with infectious diseases like measles or chickenpox. A skin rash accompanying any eruptive disease or fever. Rash caused by a systemic infection. Several childhood…

  • Epigastric adj.epigastrium

    Pertaining to the epigastrium, the region of the abdomen over the pit of the stomach.  

  • Electrodesiccation

    Method of electrosurgery in which tissue is destroyed by dehydration with a probe generating a series of short, high-frequency electric sparks. Use of an electrode to apply high-frequency, short electrical currents to destroy tissue by drying. The destructive drying of cells by application of electrical energy similar to, but to a lesser intensity than electrocoagulation.…

  • Effusion

    Seeping of fluid into a body cavity or part. The leakage of fluid from the tissue into a cavity, such as fluid in the pleural cavity. A discharge of blood, fluid or pus into or out of an internal cavity. Fluid, blood or pus which is discharged. Escape of fluid (e.g., blood, lymph, serum) into…

  • Effacement

    Dilation of the cervix. The thinning or obliteration of the cervix during labor. Flattening and extension of the cervix. The thinning of the cervix before it dilates in childbirth. Shortening of the cervix and thinning of its walls as it is stretched and dilated during labor. In obstetrics, the thinning of the cervix as the…

  • Echocardiogram

    Image produced by ultrasound examination of cardiac structures. An ultra-sonographic study of the motion of the walls or structures of the heart. A diagnostic technique utilizing an instrument that is moved about on the chest and employs sonar (echo) waves to visualize abnormalities in the anatomy or the function of the heart and its valves.…

  • Dystopia

    Displacement of any organ.  

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