
A numerical characteristic of a population, estimated by a statistic, such as, average, range, or standard deviation.

In epidemiology, the true value of a population of health attributes.

A measurement of something such as blood pressure which may be an important consideration in treating the condition which the person has.

Any defining or characteristic factor, especially one which can be measured or quantified.

Factor or quantity that can be clearly defined and usually, measured.

A measurement of some factor, such as blood pressure, pulse rate, or hemoglobin level, that may have a bearing on the condition being investigated.

A measurement of a certain factor for example, pulse rate, blood pressure, or haemoglobin concentration that is relevant to a disorder under investigation. Often wrongly used to describe the range of test results.

In mathematics, an arbitrary constant, each value of which determines the specific form of the equation in which it appears. The term is often misused for variable.




