
(Adjective) first, in order of development or sequence;

(Noun) (plural primaries) first-order branch;

(Of vegetation) original, before human interference.

Happening first, and leading to something else.

Most important.

Referring to a condition which comes first and is followed by another.

A term denoting a disease or disorder that originates in a specific organ or tissue. For example, primary lung cancer arises in the lung, whereas metastatic lung cancer arises from a cancer that originates elsewhere and spreads to the lung.

This term is employed to characterize a disease that originates directly within the affected organ or tissue, unrelated to any external cause or origin. A prime illustration is primary cancer. Additionally, the term “primary” denotes the initial among several diseases that might impact a tissue or organ. Measures taken to avert an illness prior to its manifestation are referred to as primary prevention, while secondary prevention focuses on preventing disease recurrence.

Primary or of utmost importance.




