
Movement of an organ downwards.

Sinking of an organ. The uterus, for example, may descend into the vagina until most of the uterus lies outside of the vulva.

Third-degree prolapse of the uterus and cervix, extending through the introitus.

The prolapse or slipping out of place of an organ. The term procidentia usually refers to a prolapsed uterus.

The complete downward displacement (prolapse) of an organ, especially the womb (uterine procidentia), which protrudes from the vaginal opening. Uterine procidentia may result from injury to the floor of the pelvic cavity.

A medical expression denoting a significant prolapse, commonly involving the uterus.

The descent or slipping of a body part; often refers to the displacement of the uterus, which can pull along the vaginal lining, urinary bladder, and rectum with it.




