Protein energy malnutrition (PEM)

Aspectrum of disorders, especially in children, due to inad¬ equate feeding. Used to describe children who are wasted or underweight due to insufficient intake of macronutrients. In fact PEM is commonly associated with multiple micronutrient deficiencies. Marasmus is severe wasting and can also occur in adults; it is the result of a food intake inadequate to meet energy expenditure. Kwashiorkor affects only young children and includes severe oedema, fatty infiltration of the liver, and a sooty dermatitis; it is likely that deficiency of antioxidant nutrients and the stress of infection may be involved. Emaciation, similar to that seen in marasmus, occurs in patients with advanced cancer and AIDS; in this case it is known as cachexia.

A condition caused by an insufficient protein and energy intake characterized by retarded growth, weight loss, and listlessness.

The condition arising from an insufficiency of energy (calories) in the diet, sometimes associated with protein deficiency to varying degrees.




