
Itching; an inflammation of the skin that produces itching.

Localized or generalized itching due to the irritation of sensory nerve endings.

Severe itching.

An irritation of the skin which makes a person want to scratch.

Itching; causes include allergies, lymphoma, jaundice, infection, and other factors. Treatment depends on the cause, but antihistamines, corticosteroids, cool applications, or alcohol applications may obtain relief of the itching.

The medical term for itching. Pruritus ranges from a mild urge to scratch to an overwhelming, unbearable itch. Common causes of pruritus include insect bites; allergic contact dermatitis (such as poison ivy); irritants such as chemicals, detergents, soaps, or wool; dry skin; and allergic reactions to food or drugs. Pruritus that occurs all over the body without skin lesions can be a sign of diabetes, liver disease, kidney failure, thyroid disorders, cancer, or psychological problems.

Itching, caused by local irritation of the skin or sometimes nervous disorders. Severe itching is a symptom of some forms of jaundice. Pruritus of the vulva in women may be due to vaginal infection, in some cases caused by yeast organisms that flourish in diabetes, when the urine contains sugar. Pruritus of the anal region may be due to poor hygiene, hemorrhoids, or the presence of intestinal worms.

Another name for itching, it is a common symptom with many causes. It may accompany obvious skin disease such as urticaria, eczema or scabies. Pruritus may also be caused by advanced hepatic (liver) or renal (kidney) failure, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, or hyperthyroidism. It may be due to drugs and certain forms of malignancy for example, Hodgkin’s disease. Anxiety or depression may also cause pruritus. Pruritus ani, itching round the anus, is a common troublesome condition: it may be caused by obsessive efforts to keep this area clean; soft toilet paper and gentle cleansing once daily should be sufficient. A weak anal sphincter, skin tags, and haemorrhoids may also cause itching, and these conditions should be treated.

Itch; a tingling or faintly burning skin sensation that prompts a person to rub or scratch. It may be a symptom of a disease process, such as an allergic response or hyperbilirubinemia, or it may be due to emotional factors.




