
A thin, adherent, graywhite exudative layer that forms over mucosa. It appears as a false membrane and is composed of necrotic cells, debris, and bacteria. Pseudomembranes are seen in necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis.

False membrane, consisting of an exudate forming on skin or mucous membrane (e.g., the false membrane occurring in the throat in diphtheria).

A substance that is a false layer that resembles a membrane, often occurring in the respiratory tract, making breathing difficult.

A false membrane, consisting of a layer of exudate on the surface of the skin or a mucous membrane. In diphtheria a pseudomembrane forms in the throat.

A leaf- or shelf-like exudate made of inflammatory debris and fibrin that may form on epithelial surfaces (e.g., in the colitis caused by Clostridium difficile, or the pharyngitis caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae.




