Psychoactive drugs

Substances that temporarily alter the body’s central nervous system (e.g., uppers, downers, etc.).

Psychoactive drugs are mind-affecting or mind-altering chemical substances that change one’s thinking, feelings, perceptions, and behaviors. Depressants, marijuana, narcotics, stimulants, psychedelics, and inhalants are classifications of psychoactive drugs.

A chemical that affects the activity of brain cells to alter perception, thought, and mood, and possibly to create illusions in the mind of the user.

Psychoactive drugs encompass any substances that exert an impact on the mind or behavior. They can be classified into five primary categories: opiates and opioids (such as heroin and methadone), stimulants (like cocaine and nicotine), depressants (including tranquilizers, antipsychotics, and alcohol), hallucinogens (such as LSD), and marijuana and hashish. Each of these drug classes possesses the capacity to induce specific alterations in mental processes and behavioral patterns.




