
A variety (sub-strain) of a microorganism that is distinguished from others in (strain) via its serological effects (within immune system of the host organism it inhabits).

A category of microorganisms or bacteria which have some antigens in common.

A series of common antigens which exists in microorganisms and bacteria.

A category into which material is placed based on its serological activity, particularly in terms of the antigens it contains or the antibodies that may be produced against it. Thus bacteria of the same species may be subdivided into serotypes that produce slightly different antigens. The serotype of an infective organism is important when treatment or prophylaxis with a vaccine is being considered.

A classification of a substance according to its serological activity. This is done in the context of the antigens that it contains, or the antibodies it may provoke. Microorganisms of the same species may be classified according to the different antigens that they produce.

In microbiology, a microorganism determined by the kinds and combination of antigens present on its cell surface.

A classification (in-frasubspecific) of a particular species or subspecies, which is set apart from other variations of the same species due to its distinct antigenic structure.

A specific bacterial strain is characterized by its unique antigens, which are bacterial molecules capable of reacting with specific antibodies. These antigens differentiate the bacterial strain from other bacteria within the same species.




