Sleep disorders

In dsm-iv-tr, this category includes Primary Sleep disorders (dyssomnias and parasomnias), sleep disorders (insomnia or hypersomnia) related to another mental disorder, and other sleep disorders (including sleep disorders due to a general medical condition or induced by substance intoxication or withdrawal).

A host of disorders including insomnia, narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome, parasomnia, and sleep apnea syndrome. Problems sleeping can affect a person’s energy level, and his or her overall health. Difficulty getting to sleep or remaining asleep are symptoms of this common problem, which can be short and self-limiting or persist for years.

Any condition that interferes with sleep, excluding environmental factors such as noise, excess heat or cold, movement (as on a train, bus, or ship), travel through time zones, or change in altitude. The major classes of sleep disorders are dyssomnias, parasomnias, and sleep pattern disruption associated with medical illness. Other factors that may interfere with sleep include poor sleep hygiene, effects of drugs or alcohol, and dietary changes.

Insomnia refers to a broad range of sleep disorders that hinder individuals from both initiating and maintaining sleep. These conditions can manifest as difficulties in falling asleep or frequent awakenings during the night, ultimately resulting in disrupted sleep patterns and an overall inability to obtain sufficient rest.




