
A dosage form in which particles of an insoluble drug are suspended in a liquid.

A liquid with solid particles in it.

In education, an order for a student to leave a school temporarily, generally for misbehavior, ln-school suspension refers to a student’s being ordered to leave classes but kept in school elsewhere, as outside a principal’s office. Unlike expulsion, which is long-term or permanent, suspension is normally lifted in a short time, sometimes after consultation with the student’s parents. Various Supreme Court rulings have affected the legal rights of students and schools in cases of suspension and expulsion, as described at right in Procedural Guidelines for Suspension and Expulsion.

Mixture in which fine particles are suspended in a fluid where they are supported by buoyancy. Often refers to a form of liquid medication, such as an oral antibiotic; water is added to powdered drug, forming a suspension. During its preparation, the suspension must be thoroughly agitated to assure equal distribution of the medicine particles. This is also why many medications must be thoroughly shaken prior to taking them.

A condition of temporary cessation, as of any vital process.

Unstable physical mixtures of undissolved particles in a liquid.

A composite of insoluble solid elements that are suspended in a liquid solution. The integration of the solid elements into the liquid is commonly accomplished through the process of blending.

A temporary halt in an organ’s function.

Elevating or positioning at a raised level, like the method used in the lifting of the uterus.

The distribution of solid particles within a liquid medium.




