Ulnar artery

The major artery of the forearm, on the side opposite the thumb.

An artery which branches from the brachial artery at the elbow and runs down the inside of the forearm to join the radial artery in the palm of the hand.

Large artery that branches from the brachial artery and supplies muscles of the forearm, wrist, and hand.

A branch of the brachial artery arising at the elbow and running deep within the muscles of the medial side of the forearm. It passes into the palm of the hand, where it unites with the arch of the radial artery and gives off branches to the hand and fingers.

A branch of the brachial artery supplying blood to the forearm, the medial side of the wrist, the palm, and the hand.

Artery, along with numerous branches, that supplies blood to the muscle of the little-finger side of the arm and palm of the hand.




