
(Of seed) capable of germination.

In embryology, a fetus capable of living outside of the mother.

Referring to a fetus which can survive if born.

The medical term for an infant who is capable of living, growing, and developing independently. Normally, that means that the infant weighs at least 2.2 pounds (1,000 grams) at birth or has a gestational age of at least 28 weeks (meaning that the fetus developed in the uterus for at least 28 weeks, the normal number of weeks for gestation being 40). A child so premature would, however, probably need a great deal of special care in the first weeks and months of its life and probably would be placed in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

Capable of surviving. The term is applied to a fetus from about the 28th week of gestation at which stage it can survive.

The ability of an organism to survive on its own.




