
Painful infection of the hand involving one or more fingers that typically affects the terminal phalanx.

An infection of the fingers caused by herpes simplex virus.

An old general term for any suppurative inflammation on a finger or toe.

An inflammation caused by infection near the nail in the fleshy part of the tip of a finger.

An abscess affecting the pulp of the fingertip.

Suppurative inflammation at the end of a finger or toe. It may be deep seated, involving the bone and its periosteum, or superficial, affecting parts of the nail.

A whitlow is a condition where an abscess forms on the fingertip or toe, leading to swelling and intense pain, along with heightened sensitivity to pressure and touch. This condition can result from either the herpes simplex virus or a bacterial infection. In certain instances, it may be necessary to remove pus from the abscess to alleviate symptoms and promote healing.

An outdated broad term for any abscess-like inflammation at the tip of a finger or toe, also known as felon or paronychia.

A primary infection affecting the tip of a finger, typically found in individuals exposed to infected oral or respiratory secretions. It starts with severe itching and pain, followed by the development of merging deep blisters. This condition leads to significant tissue damage and may also include symptoms affecting the whole body.




