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Facts about African Tuliptree

African Tuliptree Quick Facts
Name: African Tuliptree
Scientific Name: Spathodea campanulata
Origin African Tulip Tree is inherent to West and Central Africa and western East Africa: Angola, Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.
Colors Blackish brown
Shapes Narrowly ellipsoidal woody capsule, 15 to 27 cm by 3.5 to 7 cm
Health benefits Cure rashes and inflamed skin, Lower blood sugar levels, Treat ulcers, Treat diabetes, Cure glaucoma
African Tuliptree produces tubular tulip like flowers whose color ranges from orange-red to scarlet and measures 9 to 13 cm long and 7 to 8 cm across which forms in erect clusters mainly at the top of the tree’s crown. Each flower possesses four pale yellow stamens about 5 to 6 cm long with dark brown anthers. Flowers are connected by a spathe like calyx which is covered with velvety rusty to brown hairs. The tree bears large and erect green to dark brown pods about 13 to 25 cm long, 2 cm thick and 4 cm wide which point upwards at the ends of branches. Leaves are pinnate, oppositely arranged, 30 to 60 cm long with 11 to 17 opposite elliptic leaflets about 8 to 15 cm long on short stalks. Flower clusters are about 10 to 25 cm long. Fruit is an oblong capsule which is about 16 to 24 X 3.5 to 6 cm that splits open in order to release diverse seeds measuring 2 to 2.5 cm long with membranous wings. Tree reaches 15 to 25 meters high with 30 to 45 cm trunk diameter having dense irregular crown of large spreading branches which are evergreen and nearly deciduous. The showy flowers belong to the family Bignoniaceae with zygomorphic corolla and four didynamous stamens and bicarpellate pistil.

African tulip tree is inherent to tropical Africa. It is well-known as street tree or ornamental garden tree in tropical and subtropical parts of Queensland as it bears showy red tulip shaped flowers. In North Queensland, African tulip trees are a serious environmental weed, where they are highly invasive and form dense stands in gullies and along streams. It has become a problem in south-east Queensland as environmental weeds. The tree reproduces by seeds and suckers and is able to spread  from a single planting.


Spathodea campanulata is a deciduous, perennial and medium sized tree which reaches 10 to 25 meters in height with compact, round crown of dense and dark green foliage, buttressed, stout trunk and thick lenticellate branches. Bark when young is pale grey-brown, smooth which turns to grey-black, scaly and fissured horizontally and vertically with age. Leaves are imparipinnate, exstipulate and opposite. Each leaf consists of 5 to 7 pairs of opposite leaflets and petioles about 7 to 15 cm long. The leaflets are elliptical to ovate or ovate to oblong measuring 7 to 16 cm by 3 to 7 cm with entire margin and asymmetrically truncate to cuneate base, acute or acuminate base. Flowers are zygomorphic, hermaphrodite, showy and large with pedicles upto 6 cm long. Fruit is a narrow ellipsoid capsule about 15 to 27 cm by 3.5 to 7 cm in blackish brown. Seeds are thin, flat, broadly winged and 1.5 cm by 2 cm.

Stem and leaves

Branches are thick and are marked with small whitish colored corky spots. Younger branches are almost hairless to having sparse covering of small hairs. Large leaves are compound upto 50 cm long with 7 to 17 leaflets. Leaves are arranged oppositely on stems and are borne on stalks upto 6 cm long. Leaflets are egg shaped, broadly oval in outline and have entire margins.

It has sparse covering of soft hairs and the extension of leaf stalk is covered usually with brownish colored hairs. There are two to three tiny raised structures at the base of each leaflet.

Flowers and fruits

Flowers are large, showy and are arranged on dense clusters of 8 to 10 cm long at the branch tips on stalks of 10 cm long. Individual flowers form on short stalks which are covered in brownish colored hairs. Flowers have sepals which are fused into horn shaped structure that splits along one side as the flowers open. Calyx is distinctive and horn shaped which is curved upward, brownish and somewhat ribbed. Petals are reddish to orange colored and are fused together and resemble the shape of tulip flower. Mouth of the flower measures 7 cm across and possesses several indistinct lobes with crinkled margins which are yellowish in color. Flowering occurs throughout the year but its peak season is during spring. Capsules are large, elongated about 3.5 to 5 cm wide and 17 to 30 cm long that resemble pods. It is slightly flattened and turns from green to brown in color when they mature. They split open when mature and release 500 papery seeds. These seeds are light and are surrounded by translucent membranous wing.

Traditional uses

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