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Apple pie facts

The baked dish which is made with pastry dough that is filled with various savory or sweet ingredients is known as apple pie. The process of making apple pie differs according to the baker.

Name Apple pie facts, benefits and precautions
Native The recipe for an apple pie which was recorded in 1381. The early recipes of apple pie were quite different from today.  It was served in a coffin pastry called which was just a filling container and does not meant for consumption.
Name in Other Languages Spanish: el pastel de manzana;
German: Apfelkuchen, Apfelpastete
Major Nutritions Total Fat (lipid) 19.38 g (55.37%)
Carbohydrate 57.5 g (44.23%)
Selenium, Se 12.1 µg (22.00%)
Sodium, Na 327 mg (21.80%)
Iron, Fe 1.74 mg (21.75%)
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 0.229 mg (19.08%)
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0.166 mg (12.77%)
Manganese, Mn 0.287 mg (12.48%)
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 1.906 mg (11.91%)
Tryptophan 0.045 g (10.23%)
Health Benefits
  • Regulates the body temperature
  • Chronic ailments
  • Assist digestion
  • Enhance memory
  • Formation of RBC
  • Enhance immunity
  • Eliminate free radicals
  • Lowers inflammation
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Treat diabetes


Calories in 1 piece (1/8 of 9″ diameter), 155 g 411 Kcal.
Precautions         The people who are allergic to apples should avoid the apple pie.
How to Eat It is dressed with ice cream or whipped cream and cheddar cheese.
Other Facts
  • The apple pie is known to be invented in England.
  • Spices and sugar was added for taste.
  • It is widely popular in America.
  • The preparation of apple pie crust is very complicated.
  • The crust of apple pie made differs from one baker to another.
  • Blackberries, apricot and strawberries are also used as filling.
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